Sunday, 24 March 2013

The start of the 2WW

So officially and on recommendation, I have two weeks to wait till I can take a pregnancy test and of course I want to take it before then but to be honest I really am a firm believer in what will be will be and apart from take it easy a bit there really is nothing more I can do now.

With IUI, implantation takes place between 6-12 days after the procedure and that's the time to really be careful physically and my understanding is that until implantation occurs a pregnancy test would only show negative, as well as this, the trigger shot I had to take before insemination shows as a positive pregnancy reading anyway. 
I've read that some people test out the trigger shot, which means they take a pregnancy test everyday until it shows negative then a positive after that would be a real positive. Some people talk about getting obsessive about the tests doing them everyday and seeing lines that perhaps aren't there or feeling symptoms that maybe aren't there. I hope I'm not going to do the same cause there's no one but me to keep all of this in check but at the same time I think I will buy some cheap tests off the net so I'll at least know when the trigger shot has gone from my body.

So with the weekend over, having not done a lot, I'm two more days into my 2ww and its exciting. Although a few people do know what I'm doing and are aware of the 2ww and are asking me how it's going, really other than that I'm on my own with it all and that's quite nice at the moment. No one to dissect any symptoms with, no one to argue with or share disappointment with but of course similarly there's no significant other to share any success with. But this is the choice I've made and I'm ok with it. Ok it's not ideal but it's what it is and right now this is good for me. :-)

I wonder what these two weeks will have in store for me. I'm hoping to do a bit to my new allotment before my 'take it easy time', and I have big ideas for sorting out different things around the house......but you know I bet I don't do any of it!

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