Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The moment of truth

So here it is the moment of truth.
I'm apprehensive and nervous going into the examination room, I want everything to be ok but I really have to be realistic and think positively about that fact that it might not be. 
I love that everyone says just relax, easier said than done for most people I know but at the moment I have to say I am feeling relatively relaxed. Maybe it's because I have no one to mull it all over with or dwell on it with or maybe its just my own sanity I'm trying to protect, perhaps we'll never know but for sure at the moment I'm feeling ok.

This time the scan showed that only two of my three follicles have continued to grow and I now have one measuring 21mm and the other measuring 16mm, the third has stayed 12mm. My womb lining still hasn't done too much thickening and still measures only just 5.7mm.
Based on this the decision has been made to convert this cycle to IUI, but that really is fine. As I've said before I'm doing the best I can and I know my body is working the hardest it can so that's all I can ask for really. 

Something that I did find out today which was interesting was that my FSH tested again on the first day of my meds was 14.8! Wow. This is an increase from 6.6 from when they tested it the first time. I'm not really sure what it all means but apparently the higher the number the less likely you are to respond to the drugs, mmm interesting. I just knew my body was doing the best it could given the circumstances.
The clinic have a cut off limit of an FSH result of 15 so I was only just in the parameters of them treating me. FSH fluctuates each month and I guess this month just wasn't my month for a low result.

So now I'm on the route for IUI, not such a great success rate but then I don't have such a great success rate anyway and any chance is a chance I think, I'm just glad I'm able to have a chance at something.

Friday is the big day, I have to inject myself tonight with a different drug before I go to bed which will bring on ovulation, I think! 

So what to do for the rest of the day?! 
I have at least another couple of weeks off work and I really need to try and make the most of it so on my list of things to do is loft clearance, wardrobe clearance, cupboard under the stairs clearance......anything clearing related really, these are all things that have been on my list for ever but I've just never quite got round to them and the realisation now is that if I am lucky to have a baby then I'm really not going to have any free time! :-) Bring it on!

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