Friday, 29 March 2013

Passing time

I have absolutley no idea where the time goes you know!
Not only am I now 40 (!), having had no idea where the time has gone but as well, week to week, where does it all go?
This week has now come to an end and its a week today since I had the IUI and looking back what actually happened this week?

Ok I'm sure I can sum it up a little better than that.

Monday.......erm! Oh no I remember, my uncle visited and then my dad did, so a bit of a busy afternoon. 

Tuesday I went to the allotment to do some digging. The potatoes are, traditionally, meant to go in on Good Friday but on the one hand I'm not sure the potatoes are ready yet and on the other, the ground isn't ready yet. So that was the plan for the afternoon, to dig over the potato plot again. It's hard work digging but from Wednesday onwards I'm not really supposed to be doing much so it needs to be done when it can.

Wednesday, dad visited and we went to do some more work at the allotment, I had an apple tree that needed to go in and dad wanted to finish off two raised beds we were making. It was freezing cold down there and by the end of it I honestly thought I had frostbite but it was a job well done, thanks lots and lots dad. :-)
I received my bulk load of pregnancy tests as well on Wednesday and despite not wanting to get obsessive about peeing on a stick (!) I do want to know when the trigger shot has left my body so I did a test in the afternoon and it was negative. Now to hope for the positive test result. :-)

Sleep this week hasn't been very good for me, I've just had three nights of really bad interrupted sleep, which is pants! It doesn't help that my restless legs syndrome seems to now be happening in my arms as well as my legs and occurs all day not just at night so when it comes to going to bed it's even worse. My lodger doesn't help the situation either at times by not being exactly quiet at night, and on Wednesday night when she got up to the loo at 01.30 that was it for me for the next three hours, wide awake and restless. I know as well there's lots of things going round in my head which doesn't help either but I've been listening to a relaxation CD which is supposed to help but to be honest I'm not so sure it's working, I think it's just making me think more as I try to go off to sleep.
Thursday I did a pregnancy test again using my first morning wee and again it was negative so I think that's it now I'm going to leave it a few days now before I test again and try and stay calm in the meantime.

The weather here has been so cold and horrid lately it really hasn't been that inviting for going out and getting any exercise and apart from Tai Chi I'm not really doing a lot at the moment so today I went for a nice long walk along the seafront which I hope is going to help me sleep tonight, annoyingly though I ended up with a blister from wearing my new boots, you can't have it all I guess!
It was a lovely walk along the front though and I really enjoyed just getting out and about. My plan when I first started this treatment three weeks ago was to walk along the seafront every day, four miles round trip, I think I've done it now three times! It has been horrid weather though so it's not just me being lazy. I know it's not good for me though not doing a lot and I'm sure it's playing a part in my sleep, or lack of.

Friday, the end of the week and exactly a week since my IUI and thank goodness I slept better last night which was a massive relief, I have to admit I was beginning to lose the plot! Today I had a plan to go allotment shopping, well not actually shopping for an allotment as I have one, but shopping for things for my allotment. Not big stuff shopping but I managed to get some plants at a reduced price and as well some warm gloves I hope.  

So now it's Easter weekend and as usual on a weekend and a holiday weekend at that I have nothing planned, no one getting in touch with me asking me if I want to do something and no one inviting me out, I really am 'Billy no mates' as usual, but I'm just so fed up with making the arrangements, it's always me asking someone else if they want to do something, never anyone asking me and I'm fed up of it! I do feel really pants about that sort of thing but I also know in a way I've bought a lot of it on myself and I also know that I'm not the only person out there who's in the same position, I'm constantly seeing people on facebook at times when if they had better things to do they'd be doing them! And I just know I can't be the only person home alone, perhaps a difference with me though is that I don't want to be home alone, I've never wanted to be home alone when there's so many different things going on, I'd love to be out and about seeing people and socialising, seeing bands and generally just being out and about but sadly that just isn't how it's been for me, it doesn't help that I live in a town where not a great deal goes on and if it does it's in the form of tea dances etc but oh well you can't change a habit of a lifetime I guess. :-(

All week I've being having some twinges and symptoms, symptoms of what though I'm not sure. Apparently the symptoms of pregnancy are similar to the onset of your period which is similar to what you get when taking progesterone like I am. I guess I wont know for another few days for sure but at the moment I'm having mild crampings as well as feeling a bit sicky at times and generally tired but to be honest I feel tired all the time anyway! I'll just have to hold on a bit longer and hope for the best wont I? 

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