Monday, 13 May 2013

Good news

Its good news this morning and I'm really overjoyed. My womb lining has increased to 6.1mm which is more than it was at it's thickest the first time around. I think the last time the most it was was 5.7mm. And I also have more promising growing follicles. On the right I have 2 at 12mm, 1 at 10mm , 1 at 9mm and on the left I have 3 at 9mm. It really is fantastic news so far. I had a blood test as well to see what my hormones were doing and I wont get the results of that till Wednesday but so far so good. My FSH was also a little lower this time at 13.6, still not as low as it was when I went for my first ever appointment but still ok for treatment.

I have a lot of time on my own to think about things and ruminate and on the way home from the clinic it was really going through my mind each involved process that I'm hoping to go through in order to have a baby. I'm excited and encouraged about the fact that a few of my follicles have grown a little but it really is just a tiny part of a very, very long journey.
I find it hard sometimes to keep on top of everything that's happening, to keep it all in check and keep it all normal but I'm doing the very best I can. It's not easy at times though.
My next appointment is in two days time so fingers crossed they've grown a bit more by then.

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