Monday, 20 May 2013

Egg collection

Today is the big day of egg collection and I'm excited and as I said nervous as well.
I'm nervous about the anesthetic first of all as I know I get a bit panicky when I feel I'm out of control. People feel similar when they're afraid of flying and that's uncontrollable, it's the unknown and being out of control I think. It's not like trying to fall asleep naturally, someone just puts you to sleep and it's pretty scary to be honest.

The staff at the clinic are very good and very kind. Dad took me in and waited for me throughout reading his book and snoozing!
As I said the clinic is very nice but I actually think they could have done a little better with privacy to be fair.
First I was taken into a room with three comfy chairs and curtains around them all, there was another lady in there behind the curtain and I was asked to undress and put on the classic hospital robe and dressing gown, all very nice and clean and official. But it was still a little strange being in the same room as someone else especially when I was being asked questions about name, age, weight, allergies etc. I kinda think a little privacy would have been nice but I guess at the end of the day we're all in the same boat aren't we?

The staff are very nice and each time one of them came to speak to me I found myself feeling a bit more panicky and stupid and tearful, it's silly really but I think I'm supposed to be keeping it together and being an adult about it all and I just feel like a child! :-( I got a bit teary when the anesthetist came and spoke to me and again when I had to go through and again that's a little strange in set up. You're in a gown and dressing gown and you have to come out of this room where down a long ish corridor you're actually in full view of half of the waiting room. I've been in the waiting room before and seen someone walking into that room and at the time I thought it was a bit odd. What they should have done was have a door on the other wall straight opposite the tratment room and then you wouldn't have to walk in full view of people but hey I didn't design the building.

In the treatment room I passed another couple of comfy chairs with curtains around and a bed with a curtain around it obviously with people in them recovering and as it's only all separated by a curtain there really is no privacy. There were two nurses I know in the treatment room which was a bit of a surprise to see them but I guess they're multi talented and doing a bit of everything. These two nurses though haven't had the pleasure of seeing my bits and pieces as they normally do my bloods, oh well I guess there's no room for embarrassment in this game!

I laid on the bed and put my legs in the stirrups and before I knew it I was starting to drift off, a very drunken feeling I've not had in a very very long time! Not unpleasant though.
Next thing I knew I was being woken up and I was back in the room I first walked through still lying on a bed. It's funny how one minute you can be completely out of it and the next they're bringing you back and you're starting to feel ok again. I think I made some reference to Michael Jackson again which is a little embarrassing. When I had my last anesthetic I woke up thinking I can see why MJ choose anesthetic as a sleeping aid, it's a complete and total uninterrupted sleep, no hassle of trying to get to sleep, just straight to sleep and that's it and I have a funny feeling that the first thing I said as I woke up today was 'I can see why Michael Jackson does it!!'. What on earth was I thinking, how embarrassing I bet they had no idea what I was even talking about, in fact I bet they've heard it all actually! The stories they must have.

I was moved to a seat after a short while and had a hot chocolate as well as a constant supply of water. I need to wee and eat before I'm allowed to go home and then after that I'm supposed to have someone with me for 24 hours but lets face it, that's not going to happen is it?? Which is fine really, I'd rather be on my own to be honest.
Of course on of my worries was that they might not even get any eggs  but fantastically they got 5 eggs!!!!! 5 eggs from my 6 follicles, that's just amazing, I was so relieved there were more tears! But WOW 5 eggs, fabulous. They're going to call me tomorrow to let me know how many fertilise.

When I was ready to go home the nurse walked me back out to the waiting room and to dad and tried to speak to him but dad being dad didn't really communicate with her which was a bit embarrassing but hey I'm used to him now it's just the way he is but to other people who don't know him, it might be a little strange. He really is doing the best he can though.

On the way home dads throwing the car around every single corner he can and it took 5 times of me asking him to slow down before he actually did. The thing is he drives an old classic car and you really do feel like you're being thrown around a lot at times. But after an anesthetic and having eggs sucked from inside I'm feeling a little delicate.

Back home I think dad couldn't wait to go home. Which again was fine with me, I'd rather be on my own. He just doesn't understand and I don't think he ever will. I mean I've just had a heavy sedation and when we get home he thinks everything's fine.
The rest of the day I spent just chilling out, we'd stopped on the way home at a cafe for a bite to eat and then Waitrose to get some food in but I actually have absolutely no idea what I fancy at the moment. I've not been eating my best the last few days which is crazy, this is the time when I should be eating my best but I just don't really fancy anything and then I don't know what I fancy. I think I really need to go through some cookery books or websites and try and get some ideas about some good food again.

Back home I have an afternoon of bad TV and hopefully a good nights sleep to see what the next day holds for me. 

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