Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Next attempt

It's been a relatively quiet week after the family left and I've been looking forward with great hope to my next period (now that does sound mad doesn't it?!) to see if I can start treatment again. I'm even more determined now, I'm determined that one way or another I'm going to have a child and god help anyone who stands in my way! 

Today I went along for yet another blood test and scan and they rang me late this afternoon with the results.
My FSH is 16.7 which is too high for treatment but as well as that they said that another hormone they tested, LH I believe, was getting quite high and they wouldn't recommend treatment with those values anyway, the nurse then went on to say that my hormone levels were indicative of entering the menopause! What?? I'm 40 FFS! And really do they really think that was the best way to tell someone over the phone? I was really shocked. My LH is something that hasn't been mentioned before and basically I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Of course she said it didn't necessarily meant the menopause but hey the damage is done now, the seed of worry has been planted and now I have to try and process that! Thanks a lot guys!! :-(( I'm really not happy with them at all and of course I then started to think perhaps I sould have just gone for treatment last month after all, at least then my FSH was a little lower, from what they were saying this afternoon it may now just be too late! :-((

On that note I've decided to change clinics. I like the one I'm at, I do, at times (!), but I just don't think that really they're looking at the whole picture and I'm not sure they're that interested in me as a person, I think it's just facts and figures to them. Not all of us fit into a mould though and sometimes miracles do happen, just not there!

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