Tuesday, 2 April 2013

I guess it's a negative then!

I don't want to be disappointed but I know I need to do the test again. I have no symptoms at all :-( and perhaps I should wait till Friday but if work wasn't an issue I could do but it is so I need to do a test earlier so I know for sure.

I'm feeling pretty deflated really, if I'm honest with myself I know it hasn't worked this time and a part of me just thinks why not? It works for so many people, why can't it work for me. I've had so many different things be so hard for me is it really too much to ask to have this?

My aunt came over today and I mentioned to her about buying all of my donors sperm, he does only have 4 samples left, and bringing them over to the UK for future use, I also spoke about the test and we decided I'd go and buy some more reliable tests from Boots. I paid £2 for 15 tests in the Internet and I'm now paying £11 for 2 tests! Someone somewhere is making a packet I think!

So test in hand I decide tomorrow I'll do it, two days before I'm supposed to and two days before I'm due to go back to work.
I'm trying rally hard not to let it take over my life but its really hard at times.

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