Monday, 4 February 2013

Not a real 2ww

I've just had my first 2ww but fear not things haven't moved on that quickly for me! It's just been two weeks since my first appointment at the new clinic and apart from a couple of appointments with Sue my acupuncturist not a lot has been happening on the fertility front.
I've been eating the best I've ever eaten before, making sure I eat several portions of fruit and vegetables a day as well as continuing to not drink alcohol or caffeine and drink plenty of water.
I'm taking pregnacare conception and DHEA tablets that the doctor advised to me take and now two weeks later I'm back to find out my latest results.

Firstly my AMH level has increased this test which is fantastic news, the AMH was the worrying level as it was so low before but this time its 1.6 pmol/L which is one whole count up from what it was at 0.57 pmol/L, I'm thrilled. Of course it could be because of the sample going off to a different laboratory but it also could be because of all the changes I've made to my lifestyle since New Year, either way it's an increase which is the main thing. :-)
My FSH, which the first clinic never tested, is 6.6 IU/L and my LH is 7.8 IU/L which are both good for my age which is great news to hear, some clinics wont even treat someone if their FSH is over 15 IU/L, and
the last thing you want to hear at this stage is that you really have left it too late and there's no hope at all.

Based on these results my doctor has advised that it's definitely worth giving IVF a go. Over the last couple of weeks my understanding of the amount of follicles and whether IVF is worth it has increased and I now see what the doctor was talking about two weeks ago. But seeing my results she thinks there's every chance I may respond well to treatment.

I'm so relieved by what shes said today, I was so worried that I'd just have no chance whatsoever.
And so the journey continues. :-)

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