Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Back from holiday

I'm very lucky with my job I can normally take six weeks off  for a long holiday to go backpacking around some far flung exotic location, but just recently I've been wondering if this is really what I want to be doing anymore, I know I have a lot on my mind at the mo with baby thoughts but even so.

I've always gone on my big holidays on my own apart from one time 'the boyfriend of the time' came along for two weeks, but other than that I've always gone on my own. The thing is before I started to travel alone I'd waited a lifetime to meet the man of my dreams that liked to travel as much as I did but that just never happened so instead of going nowhere I decided to go it alone and have continued to do so ever since.

Over the years people have always said how much they've envied me going off and doing my own thing and seeing the world and how brave I am, but you know I can't stand that word. I'm not brave at all its just simply a case of either going it alone or not going at all and I know what I'd rather do. But it has been lonely at times over the years, don't get me wrong, I've had a great time, I've seen some fantastic places and I've met some really great people but even so it's still been lonely at times and now I'm just not sure I really want to do it as much anymore but we'll see what this next year holds, I have high hopes.

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